Uncle Sam sticker
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Uncle Sam is the bad guy. A good country would not go kill 129,000 people in a flash of fire then go back a few days later to kill 226,000 more in an even bigger nuclear explosion. But hey, that's what America did to Hiroshima and Nagasaki. And the US of A didn't stop dropping bombs just because the sequel to the war to end all wars was over.
Here are some countries the United States has dropped bombs on since then (I'll only list them once even if America went back a few days later or a decade later to drop more bombs):
Korea, China, Guatemala, Indonesia, Cuba, Guatemala, Belgian Congo, Guatemala, Dominican Republic, Peru, Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia, Lebanon, Grenada, Libya, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Iran, Libya, Panama, Iraq, Kuwait, Somalia, Bosnia, Iran, Sudan, Afghanistan, Yugoslavia-Serbia, Libya, Iraq again and also Syria this time, I probably missed some. It's a whole lot of places to wage war. So many bombs, hard to keep track of them. Uncle Sam is a sack of shit and there's no glory in war.
4.25x6 inches. UV resistant waterproof vinyl sticker